What to do with all those Strawberry tops?!

Picking 2 big baskets of strawberries leads to 1 big bowl of strawberry tops!  That lemon is leftover from the strawberry pie.

I recently read a post about using the tops as an additive to water for great flavor.  Since I don't like to waste anything, I figured it was worth trying - really, what did we have to lose?


Turns out, IT'S AWESOME!  You should try it!


  1. Yumm!!! This sounds great! I am wondering if we could dehydrate those tops, with the greens on them, and use them for tea? I guess I will have to experiment!

  2. Be sure to let us know if you try it!

  3. Great use for something that is usually just thrown away. Thanks for sharing on the Healthy Living Link Party.


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