One Last Bowl of Cherries

2.5 QT Crockpot
The squirrels tried to beat us but we prevailed!  We picked one more big bowl of cherries.  Considering it's over 80 degrees outside, I didn't feel much like turning on the oven which prompted an intense internet search for a crockpot recipe.

Sounds easy, right?  Wrong!  Nearly every recipe I came across called for cherry pie filling.  Can you say yuck?  I'm not really a "pie filling from a can, filled with preservatives, excessive sugar and fillers" kind of girl - can anyone say cherry slime?!

I'm not kidding when I tell you it took some real digging to find a recipe where I could use FRESH CHERRIES!  Luckily, I came across The Crockpot Gourmet.  I did not know this Blog but after some browsing around, I bookmarked it and found them on Facebook.

The recipe is simple...

  • 16 oz frozen sliced peaches
  • 12 oz frozen sweet cherries (pitted)

  • For the filling:
  • ¼ cup greek yogurt
  • ½ cup all purpose flour
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons milk
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

  • For the topping:
  • 6 tablespoons cold butter
  • ½ cup wheat flour (or regular flour is fine too, I just like the extra texture of the wheat flour)
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  1. In a small bowl whisk together the filling ingredients until well combined
  2. Add peaches and cherries and toss to coat
  3. Spray crock with nonstick spray and pour filling into crock
  4. Using a sharp knife cut up the butter into tiny pieces trying not to touch with your hands
  5. Then using a large fork add in remaining topping ingredients and use fork to cut it all in to form a crumble topping (or if you have a pastry cutter then you can just to this all at once)
  6. When the butter is pretty well broken up and combined (don't worry if it's not perfect) then sprinkle evenly over the top of the filling in crock
  7. Cover and cook on high for 2-4 hours
I used a 3.5 quart oval crock

The only changes I made were (1) I used our fresh Cherries and a bag of Frozen Mango and (2) I didn't make the topping but only because I just made Strawberry Pie and Cherry Pie. My plan for this is as an ice cream topper.


  1. Mmm, this recipe sounds good. Give me real cherries over the canned cherry filling any day. Thanks for linking up at the Tuesday Garden Party.


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